
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Nehru Zoological Park - Best So Far?

Our little day trip to Bronx Zoo last week with my kids brought back the memory of my visits to NZP at Hyderabad as a child. After 6 hour walk in the Bronx Zoo, I felt as though Nehru Zoological Park is the Best Zoo in comparison to Bronx Zoo or any other Zoo that I have seen so far. Am I the person who does not have good environmental sense? Well may be.

The point is, what factors made the Bronx Zoo as ‘The Best’? The points that I could think of are, how well the animals are taken care of at the zoo? How well the natural habitat is provided to the animals? How well the customer service is provided to the visitors? How well is the overall experience to the visitor? Bronx Zoo embarks high on all these points.

The aspect that was boring for me at Bronx was walking a long distance from one exhibit to other. Visitors of the zoo, especially the little ones, will practically not have energy to see African Giraffe after visiting amazing amphibians since the trail connecting these two exhibits stretches far-off. May be it is not meant to complete the zoo in single visit.

On the other side, animals at Nehru Zoological are all kept close by. Though here also, strolling through the entire zoo is exhausting, but given a 6 hour time, one will be sure enough to see all the animals from Wild African Animals to Reptiles to Amphibians to Birds. And above all, we could see Tigers and Elephants unlike a Tiger and an Elephant in Bronx zoo.

Zoo in Hyderabad might not be the ideal one from an environmentalist view or from the view of an average person who is really concerned about violation of Animal rights. This zoo might also earn least points on above mentioned scale, but it left some wonderful memories for me.

I might be having this view because most of the times first captured is the best compared to the later ones. I have to wait and see if my kids share the same perseverance as mine about these two Zoos when they see Zoo at Hyderabad. :)