
Saturday, February 20, 2010

Why Blog... And Why Today?

Last night, I was watching 'Assembly Muttadi' - A rally taken up by students of Telangana, to show their desire to see Telangana as an independent state within in India. While viewing I felt that I should have been there in Hyderabad, my home town, back in India than being here and watching it on my laptop. I cannot say for sure that I would have participated in the rally, though.

I appreciate from the bottom of my heart to all those parents who have supported and encouraged those students to be there on the road to show their views, desire and need inspite of the cruel and unethical events that took place in Osmania University by Andhra Pradesh Police just a couple of days back. It seems as though the whole world is listening to the agony of Telangana people except for those politicians within the country. Resignation of the constitution memebers may or may not be the solution for acheving our goal of seperate state. If Constitution Members of Telanga beleive in the later, then they should make an effort to make their point taken seriously by Central Government. Unfortunately, it is not looking so.

Like many people of Telangana Origin, I was never more proud of Telangana Telugu as I am today. It is the resignations of Constitution Memebers of Andhra that made us more aware of what we are and what we have been deceived of over the past years. Until last December I was of the opinon as how the people of one region within the same state could grab our jobs or our opportunities? Till then, I was of impression that the 'Best Gets Selected'. All those views are now replaced by contradicting statements. Today I beleive that in a Democratic system, majority group could suppress a genuine necessity and need of a minority sector. Thanks to the media and vast content that is being uploaded to the cyber space by Telangana Activists for giving me this awareness.

I thought what could we, who are away from our home land do, to hike the momentum of the present Telangana Agitation? We are conttributing monetary resources and we are constantly encouraging and giving assurance to the Telangana People back home that we are there in support to them. We could also pen down our thoughts and support through the blogs. As you know in todays world Virtual Presence and Virtual support does make a valuable contribution. Do write and spread the Telangana Awareness among our fellow people about our cause.

Jai Telangana!
Jai Hind!


  1. Blogging is surely a "Shelterd" way of protesting. People who protest in person by getting onto the battle field are doing a commendable job. But the students' academic career is at stake. I really feel for them.

    We are miles away from our homeland. At every gathering, people indulge in heated arguments on this issue. Giving tall lectures is not required at this juncture.
    If you really feel for the cause of Telangana, go back to India, get to the forefront of the battle field and voice your opinion and feelings to that part of the world. That would really make a lot of difference to the agitation.
    It is very easy to speak from behind the stage. I personally would not do that. I am a Telanagana from heart and soul. But I feel I am not doing anything for it.
    And I feel most of us are'nt doing anything laudable. We are a "Common Man" who is ever embroiled in his/her own familial issues.
    It takes guts and fire in the belly to take such a cause to the forefront.
    I am not saying there is no fire in us, but there are many fire distinguishers which suppress us from doing such a thing.
    All said and done, Happy Holi to you all !!

  2. I don't really agree with the view of 'Shelterd' way of protesting. Agreed that we are occupied with our own family and the one in the forefront of this movement are the true Brave Hearts.

    That said, we should not forget the importance of diplomacy to resolve the issues. As the world is becoming smaller with the penetration of Cyber World, every Country will try for its best mannerisms and ethics to portray in International society. Our word on cyber space definitely make an indirect pressure on Central Government. As more and more people talk about it, more and more people will get the awareness.

    An agitation will not be successful with just people at forefront, it definitely needs a supplementary or secondary support of monetary resources or diplomacy resources or the other. So, being here, where we are not in a position to be in forefront, we should at least try to be that secondary support.

    We should think as what other efficient secondary support we could provide them? And one of that thought is to write BLOG.
