
Saturday, December 22, 2012

Deepavali Donthulu

An allude to Bommala Koluvu on Deepavali to friends and acquaintances always gets me a surprise expressions in response. Bommala Koluvu in most of the times is remembered as an event which is part of either Dasara or Sankranthi. And most of the times I go saying.... "Yes, in our region of country (Telangana) we have Koluvu (or Golu) for Deepavali".
Interestingly "Namasthe Telanagana" paper has published an article this year as how Deepavali is celebrated in this region. Here is the snippet from it which describes the significance of Bommala Koluvu during this festive season.

దొంతుల పర్వం..
ఉత్సవం జరుపుకునే విధానంలోనూ ఒక్కో ప్రాంతంలో.. ఒక్కో విధంగా జరుపుకుంటారు. దీపావళి రోజున తెలంగాణ ప్రాంతంలో దొంతుల పర్వం ప్రత్యేకంగా కనిపిస్తుంది. కుటుంబంలోని కూతుళ్లు, ఆడపడుచులకు అమ్మమ్మలు దొంతులను (చిన్న మట్టి కుండల వరుస) ప్రదానం చేస్తారు. అలా స్వీకరించిన దొంతులకు తోడు తమకు నచ్చిన, ఆకర్షణీయమైన బొమ్మలు సేకరించి ఆడబిడ్డలంతా తమ ఇళ్లల్లో అందంగా బొమ్మల కొలువును తీర్చిదిద్దుతారు. ధన త్రయోదశిగా పేర్కొనే ఆశ్వీయుజ త్రయోదశి నుంచి 5 రోజుల పాటు దొంతుల మధ్య పసుపు గౌరమ్మను లక్ష్మీదేవిగా ప్రతిష్ఠించి ప్రత్యేక పూజలు చేస్తారు. ప్రతి రాత్రి బాణాసంచా కాల్చి.. పిల్లా పాపలతో సంతోషాన్నివ్యక్త పరచడం తెలంగాణ సంస్కృతీ సంప్రదాయాల్లో భాగం.

My snapshots of this year...


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Say NO to commercial idols

"Go Green or Recycling” - it is a the buzz that’s been going around in schools in the USA and in the world. I don’t think there would be a person from Indian origin in this country who is from Indian origin and unaware of it.

Have we not wondered and marveled about the recycling system that USA has in place? Have we not thought that why in India there is so much litter on highways and park

Being in this country at least we should have learned about how offensive is littering. Yet, its sad that our people are becoming overwhelmed with consumerism and are buying commercial Plaster-of-Paris Ganesha idols for Vinayaka Chavitihi, which are later immersed in streams at parks.

Have we not learned about how polluted Tank Bund (in Hyderabad) has come to? It might not be due to Vinayaka Nimmajjanam alone.But yes, Nimmajjanam certainly contributes a considerable share to it.

Why people are preferring to buy the idol in USA from Indian Grocery Stores, rather than making one from Clay, haldi or flour at home? I don’t 

think that people are buying them because they cannot make it at home. In this era, internet has all the answers and yes, it also has the information on how to make ‘Ganesha from Flour or Haldi’. So what is it driving to buy commercial idols? It might be a tendency of us for consumerism. Just getting or buying the things more than we ever required.

Its the time we learn something from past mistakes and protect the nature from hazardous material if we can. Just to think of it, how could we justify that age old religion as Hinduism encourages pollution.

Its a time to STOP buying plaster of paris idols with hazardous paint.Spirituality is not in offending mother nature.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Acquaintance with today’s Chanakya

I have got an opportunity to meet Dr. Subramanian Swamy over the past weekend. It was much awaited event. As many, I googled and read wikipedia on Dr.Swamy after reading the case of 2G Spectrum.  Ever since I keep following his news and news about him.

There might be very few who would not be mesmerized by his intelligence, charm and knowledge. As Chanakya,  he is an Economics Professor , he is working towards the Unity of Hindus, he is fighting for Corruption which is prevailing at the highest ranks of the Government as Chanakya once did for the betterment of his country.

There are articles and conspiracies challenging for Dr.Swamy’s reasons for his vendetta against today’s ruling party of India. One of them is his disappointment on Congress for depriving him from becoming Prime Minister. Even if it was true, does those reasons really matter? As Dr.Swamy puts it, we need to decipher the fact in his message rather than finding the rational behind his motives.

And the fact is that a mistake has been made which incurred huge loss to the people of India. Dr.Swamy is the reason for today’s awakening among people of India towards that loss. Facts that need to be justified:

  • The loss that Indian Government incurred on 2G Spectrum surpasses the deficit declared in the budget.
  • The loss that Indian Government incurred on 2G Spectrum if much less than what it has incurred in Coal and Oil resources auction.
  • How the Indian Government has passed an amendment and law about Personal Note securities and Tax exemption of revenue from Mauritius investors for their self interested profits
  • How the supreme officials of India are making money laundering

All in all it was a privilege to meet such an intellectual. To listen to him in person will always be an enlightening memoir

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Inspired from Madhubani

In my view, Folk Art gives an ambiance of pure, calm and relax to any place. I always liked the Indian traditional interiors. Thanks to so many bloggers out there for their interest and time which is inspiring people like me.

Madhubani is folk art from India. The simple lines and few shades of colors on canvas makes it a very subtle art. Here is my version of Madhubani - it is not a justification to the original art but it was indeed a pleasure doing it.

Friday, January 6, 2012

How Much Is It Worth?

My school had art classes, with acronym as SUPW (Socially Useful Productive Work). Back then, we could not even understand the meaning of it, except that it stands for craft class. Craft was always my favorite thing to do and I learned Knitting at school and from my mom.

Later on, I learned Crochet from one of my friends and through online free tutorials. This Fall, I crocheted a shrug for my daughter. And here the finished product.

If you ponder on the finished shrug about what is it worth after all...

2 balls of yarn : 8 USD
1 Pair of needles: 6 USD
Hours spent making it: Not counted

Proud smile on your daughter after wearing it : Priceless.

I love those Master Card Ads :). Anyways, the point is why people are still spending time making these as a hobby when they could buy at store for less money and effort? Because they love the art  and the satisfaction they get by doing it is priceless.  And it is an exercise to your mind and hands as it involves - patterns, sequence and logical thinking which we are thriving to teach our kids today.